Isolite Systems are an easy-to-use alternative to traditional isolation products. The heart of the system is the unique shape and softness of the Isolite mouthpieces. Designed specifically to fit the morphology and physiology of a wide spectrum of patients—from small children to large adults—Iso-lite mouthpieces give you superior isolation for every procedure in your practice. Both Isolite and Isodry systems put you in control of the oral environment—virtually eliminating sources of contamination. Continuous hands-free suction gives you control of oral humidity, moisture, and debris. Retraction of tongue and cheek make for a wide-open working field and incredible access, 2 quadrants at a time. In addition, Isolite systems improve patient safety and comfort. The award-winning Isolite provides five levels of brilliant intraoral illumination; Isodry performs the same functions as Isolite but with no intraoral light. For more information, call (800) 560-6066 or visit the Web site isolitesystems.com.