Industry News

27% of Dentists Say the Shutdown Should Last “As Long as It Takes”

So how long should we wait before we reopen the economy? According to an April 17 poll by Student Loan Planner, 27% of dentists say we should wait “as long as it takes,” compared to 22% of chiropractors, 33% of optometrists, 34% of physician assistants, 52% of physicians, and 60% of nurse practitioners.

Also, 5% of the 376 dentists polled said the shutdown should end immediately, 64% said the economy should reopen in less than two months, and 1% said it should remain shut down until the end of the year.

And despite both professions having significant exposure to COVID-19, dentists favor reopening the economy much faster than physicians, most likely because 56% of those dentists polled said their income disappeared completely, Student Loan Planner said. Meanwhile, 25% of dentists said their income has fallen, and 19% said their income is unchanged.

Overall, Student Loan Planner said, Americans’ views on when the economy should reopen are tied to their own profession and job status. For example, 44% of those who have lost their income are more likely to favor reopening the economy in less than two months compared to those who have not experienced income change.

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