3 Things You Should Change in Your Marketing Right Now



Has your marketing strategy been producing the results you want? Do you feel like your efforts are falling flat? Perhaps it’s time to take a good look at your current marketing strategy and make some changes. Implementing three simple strategies could vastly improve the marketing results for your practice.

A marketing strategy does not have to be complicated to work well. The most important thing is to identify the target audience, i.e. the types of patients you wish to attract. From there, you can begin building your marketing based on concepts that will resonate with them. However, when you’ve had a strategy in place for a while without updating it from time to time, it might become stale and the results you achieve could begin to diminish.


These relatively straightforward ideas are an excellent way to refresh your marketing for 2023.


When it comes to digital marketing, content is king. Videos, blogs, social media, all of these channels are important, and producing original content for them will boost your practice’s image. The more content you can produce to highlight your practice, the more exposure it will get and the more trustworthy the practice’s “brand” will appear. Informative content builds authority and lends credibility to your practice.

Please keep in mind that the content you create should be easy for the target audience to digest, meaning that it should not be overly technical or too long so as to hold the viewer’s/reader’s attention.

It is also important to remember that it will take some time for a content strategy to gain traction. If you are patient and continue to put out original content consistently, it will pay off. So, don’t give up right away if the views and likes aren’t there at the beginning. Wait it out, and you should see better and better engagement as you continue building your practice’s reputation online.


Taking your existing patients for granted and not actively marketing to them is revenue lost, plain and simple. An existing patient is a huge opportunity. They already go to your practice, know your team, and trust your advice. Convincing an existing patient to follow through with treatment takes far less effort than trying to attract a new patient who has never been to your practice before.

Some practices tell us that their patients get services elsewhere because they were unaware that their practice offered the same services. You can prevent that from happening by doing campaigns to make existing patients aware of the special services your practice provides. Another way to reduce the number of missed opportunities at your practice is to follow up with every patient who has not yet accepted a treatment plan.

Don’t let it stop with “I’ll think about it,” and don’t miss out on the chance to capitalize on the patients who are already coming to your practice.


It is common for dentists to think of marketing as just another business expense. This way of viewing marketing is limiting and will keep you from reaping all the benefits of your marketing budget.

Marketing is an investment in your practice, just like a retirement plan is an investment in your future. Much the same way you would view any growth-oriented investment, you should think of marketing as a long-term plan to one day achieve financial security for your practice. For that plan to work out the best, you will need to make regular contributions to build a solid revenue base that your practice can “live” on. It will only be successful if you are fully committed to seeing it through until you reach your goal. Again, it takes time to get to where you want your practice to be, but you have to start somewhere and stick to the plan if you want to see the full benefits.

If you have been unimpressed with the results of your marketing in the past, this year can be different if you’re willing to make a few adaptations. Don’t forget to discuss any changes you want to make with your marketing partner to get the best advice on how to implement the strategies that will take your practice to the next level.


With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich-Cullen decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency.

Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns.

She can be reached at (800) 689-6434 or via email at jackie@mydentalagency.com.

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Merakist on Unsplash.