Dentists Can Help Victims of Abuse

Dentistry Today


Dental neglect may be a key indicator of domestic violence because abusers often control their victims’ contact with the outside world, according to an article by Mitchell. Dental professionals are in a unique position to be able to raise the issue of abuse with patients, because they spend much more time with patients during an average visit than do physicians. Research indicates that survivors of abuse overwhelmingly want their healthcare providers to ask about intimate partner violence, but one survey found that most dentists do not ask patients about abuse. The majority of domestic violence injuries involve the head, neck, or mouth. Documenting signs of abuse can provide important support to victims, and dental records can serve as key evidence in criminal or divorce cases or restraining order hearings. The author advises dentists to have lists of local agencies, shelters, hotlines, and other resources in their community to help abuse victims who may not know where to seek help.

(Source: Tufts Dental Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter 2006)