Industry News

Dentists Share Optimistic Outlook for the Future

Courtesy of PayScale.

Despite the gloomy headlines, workers in the United States are optimistic about the futures in store for their employers—and dentists aren’t immune from this rosy outlook.

PayScale, a compensation analysis company, polled 425,219 workers between June 15, 2014 and June 16, 2016 to find that 24% were pessimistic, 17% said “meh,” and 59% were optimistic about what the future holds for them at their current place of employment.

Specifically, more than 58% of general dentists reported strong optimism about the future. They came in second on PayScale’s list of professions, as flight attendants took the top spot with a 59% optimism rate.

Postsecondary teachers followed dentists at 53%, and chief executives and real estate brokers were tied at 47%. Surgeons and optometrists were next, tied at 46%. Judged by broader categories, though, healthcare and social assistance was last on PayScale’s list of 10 industries.

The high score did not surprise PayScale, as the company noted that nearly everyone has teeth. It also predicted that dental employment would grow nearly 16% by 2022, which should continue the optimistic trend.

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