Todays Dental News

ADA Offers Incentives to Buy

Image courtesy of the ADA

Thinking of making a purchase in the exhibit hall this week? The ADA has announced that its member dentists who spent a cumulative total of $3,500 or more with exhibitors at the ADA 2015 meeting were eligible to receive free registration to ADA 2016 in Denver, and the program will continue again this year. This is great news for both dentists and manufacturers.
ADA 2015 in Washington, DC, marked the fourth year of the Incentive Buying Program and it was the most successful by far. The total spend for the Incentive Buying Program in the exhibit hall increased by 115% over the ADA 2014 (San Antonio). In addition, there was an 87% increase in attendees who participated in the Incentive Buying Program at ADA 2015.

For manufacturers, it’s important to note that ADA 2015 attendees who participated in the Incentive Buying Program spent an average of 14% more than they did at ADA 2014 in San Antonio.

To participate, dentists must be ADA members, must provide proof of ADA show-site purchases totaling a minimum of $3,500. One registrant per participation in Incentive Buying Program is eligible to receive free registration to the next ADA meeting.  
For more information, email Rhonda King, ADA exhibit manager.