Greater New York Dental Meeting Show Highlights

Intraoral Camera Identifies Gingival Inflammation

Come January 1, 2017, there will be a new code for treating gingivitis, and Acteon’s SoproCARE is the only intraoral camera that’s validated for detecting gingival inflammation, the company reports. Its patented fluorescence technology also illuminates dental tissue to reveal occlusal caries, plaque, and tartar for complete prophylactic treatment.

The SporoCARE illuminates dental tissue with a specific wavelength of light between 440 and 680 nm. The exposed tissue absorbs the energy and reflects it in fluorescent form. Images obtained through fluorescence analysis are superimposed over the anatomic images for a visible representation of the tissue’s condition that’s designed to be easy to interpret and otherwise invisible under white light.

Utilizing the absorption properties of the SoproCARE’s blue light, the selective chromatic amplification differentiates the color of the tissue. The subtle hues of red that the SoproCARE reveals indicate gingival inflammation. Users simply need to follow the colors for diagnosis, according to Acteon.

The SoproCARE’s Daylight Mode supports daily intraoral needs. The Perio Mode spotlights plaque and tartar as well as gingival inflammation. Cario Mode helps users detect occlusal and interproximal decay that often can be missed by x-rays, even in its earliest stages, Acteon states.