Greater New York Dental Meeting Show Highlights

Surgical Set Ensures Accurate Implant Procedures

The MGUIDE surgical set from MIS Implants simplifies the implantology process by eliminating the need for traditional guidance keys, according to the company. Specially designed sleeves and drills are designed to stop at the precise position and depth planned to free up hands and save time. The drills also allow irrigation to penetrate through the sleeve during drilling.

The template’s open wire-frame design allows an open field of view during surgery. Also, anesthesia and irrigation are accessible from all angles without removing the template. Raised flap surgery can be more easily performed as well, according to the company, which notes that the template is constructed from a strong, durable, and biocompatible material too.

Built-in guidance keys enable quicker and easier procedures, MIS Implants states. Also, optimal drill lengths enable use in posterior areas. Users can change implant length and diameter during surgery due to anatomical considerations. And, one special drill has been designed for bone harvesting. Additional features include:

• Color-coded layout for easy identification of drill diameters;

• Special guidelines for hard or soft bone procedures;

• Built-in stoppers and laser marks on drills;

• Drill measuring gauge.

Finally, an MIS Implants MCENTER digital dentistry department performs all of the template’s necessary quality checks. After that, the template is packaged and sent by courier or express mail to the dentist. MCENTERs with an in-house laboratory can provide immediate temporary custom healing caps, abutments, and screw-retained crowns and bridges. The use of MIS Implants products throughout the process ensures complete component compatibility for optimum accuracy, reliability, and fit, the company says.