Industry News

ADA and 3M Launch Research Fellowship

The ADA and 3M Oral Care have partnered to launch the 3M Innovative Research Fellowship, designed to encourage and engage researchers who are innovating and leading the way to advance dental materials science. It will focus on supporting future pathways and methods in dental research. 

“Our entire organization is oriented toward bringing meaningful scientific applications to everyday life,” said Jim Ingebrand, vice president of the 3M Oral Care Solutions Division. “This fellowship will help advance the best possible ideas to improve dental research and, thus, improve the oral care experience for dental professionals and patients alike.”

The awarded recipient will receive a $10,000 fellowship for 2 years and be honored at a private ADA event. Also, the recipient will have the opportunity to present his or her research via a continuing education program. The recipient may get to share his or her work and interact with 3M scientists at its headquarters in St. Paul, Minn, or at a dental research industry event as well. 

Nominations are due August 31, 2017. To nominate someone, submit a concise letter describing how the nominee takes an innovative approach to dental research, along with a curriculum vitae, to Kelly Mangold, 3M Innovative Research Fellowship, ADA, 211 East Chicago Ave., Fourth Floor, Chicago, Ill 60611 or to

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