Philip Morris USA

Dentistry Today



Philip Morris USA
Attention: Quality Department
PO Box 18583
Pittsburgh, PA 1523

Phone: 800-343-0975

As an operating company of Altria Group, PM USA is guided by Altria Group’s Mission to own and develop financially disciplined businesses that are leaders in responsibly providing adult tobacco and wine consumers with superior branded products.

Guided by Altria Group’s Mission and Values, PM USA’s role is to responsibly manufacture and market PM USA brands to adult tobacco consumers in a financially disciplined way.

The Mission guides and informs the business decisions at Altria Group and its operating companies, which pursue the Mission by focusing on four strategies:

Invest in Leadership: We will invest in excellent people, leading brands and external stakeholders important to our business success.
Align with Society: We will actively participate in resolving societal concerns that are relevant to our business.
Satisfy Adult Consumers: We will convert our deep understanding of adult tobacco consumer needs into better, more creative and more satisfying products.
Create Substantial Value for Shareholders: We will execute our business plans to create sustainable growth and generate substantial return for shareholders.

The Values shared by Altria Group and its operating companies, including PM USA, are the foundation for fulfilling our Mission and business strategies. Together, we strive to demonstrate these Values:

Integrity, trust and respect
Passion to succeed
Executing with quality
Driving creativity into everything we do
Sharing with others
