The Microlux Transilluminator is a multipurpose unit that provides a multitude of uses. By inserting the standard 2- or 3-mm light guide, the unit is a high-output transilluminator and caries detector. The light guides include (1) a 2- or 3-mm light guide for screening cracks, fractures, and subgingival calculus, (2) the illuminated mirror, (3) the DL light guide for oral cancer screening, (4) the endo lite to detect root fractures and interproximal decay, and (5) the illuminated Perio Probe in 3-, 5-, and 7-mm increments. All light guides can be autoclaved or sleeved. Transillumination helps to visualize crown fractures, caries, root canal orifice, and root fractures. It also aids in locating the orifices of a root canal and placing the light source on the buccal or lingual cervical region of the tooth. For more information, call (855) 211-3413 or visit