Milk Essential to Fighting Tooth Decay

Dentistry Today


A glass of milk after breakfast may do wonders for your oral health.

A new study shows that when milk is consumed after breakfast in the morning, the risk of developing tooth decay goes way down. The study indicates that drinking a small glass of milk serves to reduce the amount of plaque acids in the mouth by more than 50 percent.

The study was done by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Illinois. To compile the results, 20 adults were provided with a bowl of cereal that was followed by a glass of milk, a glass of fruit juice or a glass of water. The acid levels were lower among the participants who had a glass of milk. The average pH numbers were 6.48 for milk drinkers, 6.02 for water and 5.83 for apple juice.

These results further stress the importance of one’s eating habits and the impact on his or her oral health. It’s essential to limit snacking because the mouth is exposed to plaque acids each time something is consumed. The bacteria released can attack enamel, making way for tooth decay or other problems.