Lozenge Reduces Gingivitis During Pregnancy

Dentistry Today


Gingivitis is a common problem during pregnancy. Yet a double-blind, randomized study of 45 women with pregnancy gingivitis showed that supplementation of Lactobacilli reuteri significantly reduced inflammation and plaque compared to a placebo.

“Our study shows hat L reuteri-containing lozenges may be a valuable adjunct in the control of pregnancy gingivitis,” said Professor Ulrich Schlagenhauf of the department of periodontology at University Hospital Würzenburg, Germany.

L reuteri occurs naturally in human beings but is not found in everyone. It fights off harmful organisms such as Streptococcus mutans, secreting sufficient amounts of reuterin to produce antimicrobial effects without any harmful impact on teeth. Also, it helps mediate the body’s immune system.

The women were enrolled in the study at the beginning of their third trimester. They received a supply of lozenges to be consumed twice daily until birth, each containing 5 x 108 cfu of L reuteri or an equivalent placebo. At the end of the intervention period, the gingival and plaque indices of the probiotics group both were significantly lower than the placebo group.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the risk of gingivitis, which half of all pregnant women will experience. These women may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low birth weight than mothers with healthy gums.

“Brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist during pregnancy maintains oral health and may decrease the risk of adverse pregnancy complications,” said Schlagenhauf. “Our study shows that L reuteri lozenges may be a valuable new tool in the control of pregnancy gingivitis.”

The study, “Regular Consumption of Lactobacillus Reuteri-Containing Lozenges Reduces Pregnancy Gingivitis: An RCT,” was published by the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

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