58.0% of Patients Afraid of Getting Infected at the Dentist

Dentistry Today


The pandemic has shaped how people interact with their dentist, reports DentaVox, which posted a series of 31 questions to a hundred people pulled from its audience each day in August.

For example, the poll asked people if they would feel threatened by getting infected with COVID-19 the next time they visit the dentist. According to DentaVox, 58.0% said yes, and 42.0% said no. Other key questions included:

Should dentists have closed their practices during the first COVID-19 wave?

  • Yes, except for emergency patients: 52.0%
  • Yes, for all treatments: 26.0%
  • No: 22.0%

Did dentists in your area offer online consultation during the first COVID-19 wave?

  • Yes, some of them: 49.0%
  • No: 30.0%
  • Yes, all/most of them: 21.0%

Did you personally try an online dental consultation during the first COVID-19 wave?

  • No: 67.0%
  • Yes: 33.0%

During the first COVID-19 wave, what was the main content on dentists’ social media?

  • COVID-19 safety and advice: 75.0%
  • I didn’t notice: 11.0%
  • General oral health education: 10.0%
  • Offers to attract new or more patients: 2.0%
  • Other: 2.0%

Did you experience any of the following dental problems for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Neither: 56.0%
  • Dry mouth: 26.0%
  • Burning mouth: 6.0%
  • Canker sores: 2.0%

Do you personally know someone who tried an online dental consultation during the first COVID-19 wave?

  • No: 61.0%
  • Yes: 39.0%

Were dentists in your area worried about the survival of their practices during the first COVID-19 wave?

  • Yes, about the same as other businesses: 46.0%
  • Yes, more than other businesses: 29.0%
  • I have no idea: 16.0%
  • No: 9.0%

Next time you visit the dentist, how much attention would you pay to the hygiene, compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • More than before: 78.0%
  • The same: 19.0%
  • Less than before: 3.0%

Do you believe that dental practices in your area are properly disinfected before each and every patient?

  • Yes, all or most of them: 59.0%
  • Yes, some of them: 37.0%
  • No: 4.0%

If you cough or feel slightly unwell, would you still go to your scheduled dental appointment?

  • Yes, but only if it’s urgent: 31.0%
  • Yes, in all cases: 29.0%
  • No: 24.0%
  • Yes, if it’s not coronavirus: 16.0%

If your dentist doesn’t wear protective equipment (gloves, mask, shield, etc) during treatment, what would you do?

  • I will ask them to do it: 79.0%
  • I will leave immediately: 14.0%
  • I will stay but feel worried: 6.0%
  • I will stay without any worries: 1.0%

Which measure is the most effective for dentists to ensure that no patient with COVID-19 enters their practice?

  • Body temperature screening: 50.0%
  • Only PCR tests can be effective: 24.0%
  • Preliminary health condition questions: 21.0%
  • Neither: 3.0%
  • Dentists should trust patients’ self-awareness: 2.0%

If your dentist picks up the phone and then continues treating you without washing their hands or changing their gloves, what would you do?

  • I will ask them to do it: 66.0%
  • I will leave immediately: 16.0%
  • I will stay but feel worried: 15.0%
  • I will stay without any worries: 3.0%

Do dental practices in your area offer contactless payments via card, mobile, or crypto?

  • Yes, some of them: 45.0%
  • Yes, all or most of them: 36.0%
  • No: 19.0%

Next time you go to the dentist, would you prefer contactless payments to reduce the risk of COVID-19?

  • Yes: 89.0%
  • No: 11.0%

In your opinion, what did dentists fear more during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Getting infected by patients: 75.0%
  • Infecting patients: 16.0%
  • Neither: 9.0%

In your opinion, what did dentists fear more during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Infection: 75.0%
  • Bankruptcy: 23.0%
  • Neither: 2.0%

What dental innovation could be most useful during epidemics and pandemics?

  • Self-diagnostic devices: 36.0%
  • Mobile dentistry: 35.0%
  • Teledentistry: 24.0%
  • Neither: 5.0%

Should dentists switch to online consultations during epidemics and pandemics?

  • Yes, completely: 51.0%
  • Yes, but only partly: 46.0%
  • No: 3.0%

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