The 3.1 mmD Eztetic Implant is a strong, aesthetic solution for narrow anterior sites. It is designed to offer improvements over similar commercially available implants, particularly in the areas of strength and primary stability. For the first time, 3 concepts have been combined to create a precise implant-abutment connection designed to reduce micromovement and microleakage. This unique connection comprises a conical interface, platform switch, and Double Friction-Fit technology designed to make strong narrow-diameter implants indicated for all anterior areas. The Eztetic implant-abutment connection, along with a Contour Abutment profile, is designed to provide space for soft tissue and aesthetic emergence of the restoration. In addition, a wide range of user-friendly restorative options are available, including abutments for cement-retained, custom, and overdenture restoration, aiming to give clinicians the ability to perform quality aesthetic restorations with confidence and ease. For more information, call (800) 342-5454.