A Multidisciplinary Modality in Practice


This month, in our Implants Today section, 3 out of our 4 authors, Drs. Tim Kosinski, David Little, and Jack Piermatti, who are distinguished Implants Today advisory board members, are joined by another leading expert in implant dentistry, Dr. Paul Bylis. These esteemed authors cover a wide variety of implant topics, providing a reminder of how many disciplines are involved for successful implant treatment. Implant dentistry is truly a multidisciplinary modality. The excellent contributions by Dr. Little and his co-author, Dr. Gary Radz, and by Dr. Bylis, both focus on how the digital workflow has become mainstream in the delivery of dental implant treatments. In Dr. Little’s article, “Full-Arch, Implant-Supported Rehabilitation: A Fully Digital and Collaborative Approach,” he states that “The inherent characteristics of digital data and processes facilitate enhanced communication and collaboration among treatment team members, ultimately enabling everyone involved to provide the best possible contribution to the definitive prosthetic outcome.” It is my opinion that this really sums up the many advantages of a digital workflow.

While realizing that the processes of a digital workflow are becoming more mainstream, Dr. Kosinski’s article on bone grafting brings us back to the basics and reminds us that having a sound osseous structure for dental implant support is one of the foundational requirements of success for all implant treatment. He shares a unique technique for creating autogenous bone from the dentin in the patients’ extracted tooth roots. While other autogenous soft and osseous tissues are commonly used for patient treatment, this is the first time that dentin, through this novel technology, allows success for osseous support. In his article on the topic of the 2-implant mandibular overdenture, Dr. Piermatti, a prosthodontist, highlights the importance of how a patient’s anatomical landmarks should be utilized for a removable implant-supported overdenture, especially when only 2 implants are helping to support it.

This unique mix of articles points out how there must exist a broad base of knowledge to successfully treat our patients for missing teeth with dental implants. As clinicians, to predictably and successfully deliver implant treatment, multiple continuing educational venues and curricula must be pursued and mastered.

If you have any questions or comments about this topic, or any other subject presented in Implants Today, feel free to contact Dr. Tischler at mt@tischlerdental.com.

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