Dr. Shawn Frawley, AACD member and Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, is a gourmet cook who worked together with nutritionist and health coach Karen Krchma to create these healthy, easy-to-make recipes that everyone in the family will enjoy.
“The teeth and gums mirror what’s going on in the rest of your body. Therefore, what you consume influences the health of your smile,” said Dr. Frawley. “That’s why it’s important to think carefully about making the right food choices.”
The recipe book uses several “super smile” foods. A study by the Pediatric Caries Research Foundation found that these mushrooms contain a sugar called Lentinan which prevents mouth bacteria from growing. Raw onions and wasabi, a Japanese version of horseradish, also contain substances which stop bacteria growth. Based on a 2010 lab-based study in The European Journal of Dentistry, the iron in Broccoli may help form an acid-resistant film on teeth. After exposure to an acid-based drink like cola, enamel erodes half as quickly when exposed to broccoli.
“To have a great smile, a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods will be your best ally,” said nutritionist Karen Krchma. “This booklet provides a variety of wholesome and tasty recipes with healthful ingredients that will build and strengthen your teeth and gums.”
To download a copy of this e-booklet, please visit: www.aacd.com/smilerecipes. For a hi-res version of this photo, please contact Tiffany Stronghart at pr@aacd.com.
About the AACD
The AACD is the world’s largest non-profit member organization dedicated to advancing excellence in comprehensive oral care that combines art and science to optimally improve dental health, esthetics, and function. Comprised of more than 6,300 cosmetic dental professionals in 70 countries worldwide, the AACD fulfills its mission by offering superior educational opportunities, promoting and supporting a respected Accreditation credential, serving as a user-friendly and inviting forum for the creative exchange of knowledge and ideas, and providing accurate and useful information to the public and the profession.