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AADSM Offers Grants to Fund Dental Sleep Medicine Research

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The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM), in partnership with the American Sleep Medicine Foundation (ASMF), has unveiled its first research award program. AADSM members are eligible to submit a letter of intent to be considered for the award, which will support and drive new studies in specific areas of dental sleep medicine where research findings are limited.

“This new partnership with the ASMF provides a wonderful opportunity for our members to pursue important research in the field of dental sleep medicine,” said AADSM president Harold A. Smith, DDS. “This initiative gives support and financial assistance to members, empowering them to initiate research projects that will further our understanding of oral appliance therapy for the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing.”

The award program is organized into 2 categories to allow for flexibility and a range of funding opportunities to potential applicants. Category I is for applicants seeking funding for projects up to $100,000. Category II is for applicants seeking funding for projects up to $30,000.

Interested applicants for both categories must be members of the AADSM in good standing with a master’s degree or higher to be eligible for entry. Also, they must have access to the necessary facilities and resources to perform the proposed work. Projects must be performed by investigators and institutions based in the United States or Canada. And, applicants must not have a financial conflict of interest or incur significant financial benefit from the proposed research.

Individuals who are interested in participating must submit a letter of intent before submitting a full application. The letter is due no later than 11:59 p.m. CDT on October 4, 2016. Approved applicants then will be invited to submit a full application for the program, which is due by January 23, 2017. For detailed requirements and more information, visit

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