Industry News

AAOM Seeks Recognition of Oral Medicine as a Dental Specialty

The American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) has submitted an application and request to recognize oral medicine as a dental specialty to the ADA’s National Commission Review Committee on Specialty Recognition.

The AAOM defines oral medicine as the discipline of dentistry concerned with the oral healthcare of medically complex patients, including the diagnosis and management of medical conditions that affect the oral and maxillofacial region.

According to the National Commission, all documentation in the application is confidential until the review committee has determined that the application is complete. If the application is complete, the commission will invite public comment on the AAOM’s compliance with the requirements for recognition for a 60-day period.

Incomplete applications are returned to the sponsoring organization or certifying board for modifications.

The AAOM was founded in 1945 with a vision to integrate medicine and dentistry to promote optimal health. Major universities and military training institutions now offer certified training programs in oral medicine.

At its March 11 meeting, the National Commission revised its policies related to the application process requiring it to publish a notification to its communities of interest when an application has been received.

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