AAOMS Schedules Boston Conference for September


The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) will hold its 101st Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions and Exhibition at the Boston Convention Center, September 16 to September 21. The AAOMS has planned more than 200 educational sessions around the theme of Envisioning the Future of Research and Innovation.

The conference’s 10 educational tracks will cover anesthesia, cosmetic surgery, dental implants, dentoalveolar surgery, orthognathic and obstructive sleep apnea surgery, pathology, pediatrics and cleft, reconstruction, temporomandibular joint, and trauma. Each track’s plenary session will be followed by multiple interactive breakouts. 

Also, 17 Master Classes led by experts in the specialty will discuss popular topics such as management of progressive facial deformities and reconstruction of the cleft lip and palate. The Chalmers J. Lyons Memorial Lecture will provide evidence-based updates on concussion assessment and management. Hands-on courses will cover nerve repair and cosmetic facial surgery. And, team-based learning sessions will include one exploring robotic-assisted dental implant surgery. 

“The meeting’s many educational presentations will provide a glimpse into the promising developments in store for oral and maxillofacial surgery,” said AAOMS president A. Thomas Indresano, DMD. “Once again, the meeting will offer numerous valuable opportunities for all members of the OMS team. It is fitting such a rich educational program will take place in Boston, a city known for its ingenious technology.”

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