Academy Launches Prestigious Credentialing Program

credentialing program
The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) has announced the launch of its new credentialing program to incentivize practitioners.


The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) has announced the launch of its new credentialing program to incentivize practitioners to reach the highest level of education, training, and experience in implant dentistry.

This prestigious new Academy initiative awards AO Master Certificates and AO Diplomate Certificates to applicants who meet defined criteria. Applicants may prepare for Surgical, Restorative or a combination of both Surgical and Restorative certificates.

credentialing program

The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) has announced the launch of its new credentialing program to incentivize practitioners.

“By launching this program, the Academy is meeting current trends, serving its members’ needs, and maintaining a higher global benchmark of education, training and skill needed to provide the service patients want,” said AO President-elect Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD, who spearheaded this new initiative and member benefit.

Applicants must complete a required minimum number of didactic training hours involving restorative and/or surgical components including hands-on training. In addition, applicants must provide case presentations, and take an online and oral comprehensive exam, administered by the Credentialing Board.

“The credentialing board is a diverse group of individuals that have been imperative in creating a dynamic of requirements and competencies,” said Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH, chair of the Credentialing Board. “This group will be held to a high level because these certificates are not just given, they’re earned.”

Training can be attained from domestic and international university centers, medical schools, hospitals and private practices or other comparable ADA accredited organizations in various countries approved by the Academy. In addition, the Academy has designated its own approved international training centers in Italy, Taiwan and Malaysia.

“Credentialing is important because shows a level of achievement, and if you can fulfill all the requirements, it shows it you have really challenged yourself,” said AO President Amerian D. Sones, DMD, MS. “It is such a prestigious award and something in which you can be very proud.”

Interested applicants seeking more information and to view the full requirements, please see the Academy’s website.

About Academy of Osseointegration

With approximately 4,000 members in more than 70 countries, AO is recognized as the premier international association for scientists and professionals interested in osseointegration and implant dentistry. AO serves as a nexus where specialists, generalists and scientists can come together to evaluate emerging research, technology, and techniques; share best practices; and define optimal patient care using timely science and evidence-based methods.

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FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.