Industry News

ACTEON NORTH AMERICA Announces integration of its Sopro imaging products into MacPractice

Mount Laurel, NJ – 9/30/2011 – ACTEON North American has announced the successful integration of its Sopro intraoral cameras and Sopix2 digital x-ray sensors in MacPractice DDS 4.1 . MacPractice is the leading Apple developer of practice management and clinical software for physicians, dentists, chiropractors, and eye care professionals for Macs, iPhones, and iPads with over 3600 installations worldwide.

"After we released our own native Apple OS software, getting integrated into MacPractice was our next priority" said Wyatt Wilson, Vice President and COO of ACTEON’s North American office. "MacPractice is the clear leader and innovator of dental software in the Apple market and we felt our products would be a natural fit for their application suite," added Wilson.

Integration of Sopro imaging products into MacPractice is seamless, leveraging both the camera and x-ray acquisition applets furnished by ACTEON. Functionality built into MacPractice permits direct acquisition of x-ray and intraoral camera images into a patient’s record. In addition to treatment documentation, several customizable case presentation options are also provided by MacPractice.

"MacPractice is excited to have collaborated with Acteon, a world leader in digital imaging, to expand the available options in intraoral imaging and digital radiography for the growing number of dentists who prefer to use Macs in their practices," said Mark Hollis, MacPractice’s President.

Availability of this configuration is immediate and is available as a free service for owners of ACTEON products. ACTEON equipment is available through all broad line dental dealers and as with all ACTEON products, installation and support is available at no charge through ACTEON’s North American call center.

ACTEON North America is part of The ACTEON Group, a world leader in small equipment and consumables for dentists. The ACTEON Group’s companies include SATELEC Equipment, SOPRO Imaging, and Pierre Rolland Pharmaceutical which employ more than 650 workers worldwide. ACTEON continually develops innovative products for its growing international dental market.

About MacPractice
MacPractice, Inc. is a client-centric practice management and clinical software development firm, comprised of highly experienced and caring individuals, dedicated to the development and support of best-of-class Macintosh software, hardware and associated services for physicians, dentists, chiropractors and eye doctors. For more information or to view QuickTime demos of MacPractice MD, MacPractice DDS, MacPractice DC or MacPractice 20/20 visit