Industry News

ADA Chairside Instructor: A Visual Guide to Case Presentations

CHICAGO, Oct. 23, 2013—The American Dental Association (ADA) has just revised its best-selling “Chairside Instructor” to include 49 new photos and illustrations. An effective tool for dentists to educate their patients or for auxiliaries-in-training, this publication covers a wide range of prevention and treatment topics including oral hygiene, anatomy, x-rays; gum disease, tooth decay; dental crowns and bridges, dentures, root canals, orthodontics and cosmetic dental procedures.

The “Chairside Instructor” is now laminated to help dental staff keep it clean, the new horizontal format makes it easy to share with patients, and the easy-to-use tabs help to quickly locate topics.

The “Chairside Instructor” is available as a 44-page laminated book (W013 English, W014 Spanish) or the digital edition (W013D English, W014D Spanish), $59.95 for ADA members and $89.95 retail price.

The “Chairside Instructor” is now also available as an App for iOS. Dentists can even draw a picture, add a comment, email it to a patient and save it for future use. The App can be used on up to six Apple devices; in English only. Order the App at and then complete the download on iTunes. The App is $99.00 for ADA members and $149.00 retail price.
To order any “Chairside Instructor” products, call (800) 947-4746 or visit

Editor’s Note: Reporters are invited to follow the ADA on Twitter @AmerDentalAssn