Todays Dental News

Add Video to Your Marketing Strategy

Using digital technology and social media for marketing is nothing new. Whether the content is templated or customized, most practices know that, at the very least, they need to have a website and a Facebook page to further engage their patients.

One aspect of technology that dentists seldom use, however, is video. Using video on your site or in your emails is a cinch. Social media is another channel that can be used for videos of your office shenanigans. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and all of the most frequently used sites provide an option for their users to incorporate video. 

Why Use Video?

There are many reasons why you should be using video to promote your practice. Most importantly, videos are an easy way to show your personality to the outside world. Patients may know you as the person in the white coat who pokes around their mouths twice a year. But what else do they know about you? Video is a surefire way to show people that you are fun, compassionate, and active the other 363 days of the year.

Are you camera shy? Don’t worry. You don’t always have to be in the video, and the statistics on video usage indicates that you should be using video, anyway. According to YouTube, mobile video consumption rises 100% every year—100%! Also, the mere mention of the word “video” in an email subject line improves open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%, while reducing unsubscribes by 26%.

Best Practices

Impressed by the stats but still not convinced that video is for you? Are you worried that you have limited skills and aren’t interested in hiring a videographer? Fear not, since candid videos from your phone will work just fine. In fact, sometimes candid is better. The most important thing is to have good light and a steady hand, which, as a dentist, you already do. Here are a few easy hints on how to incorporate video into your marketing campaign.

First, be silent: You want people to be able to watch their video from anywhere. If they’re at their office and worried that the boss might hear them goofing around online, they will not play your video. You can still have sound, of course, but you’ll need titles or a crawler at the bottom so viewers can read the content they’re missing by watching on mute.

Next, strategize. Think about what your patients are interested in and ask you about frequently. What grabs your attention when you’re scrolling through your news feed? Also, consider how long you’re willing to pay attention. Marketing research has proven that most users won’t invest their time in a 7-minute video, so the videos you share should be much shorter. If you’ve posted videos before, see which ones were successful and which ones weren’t and use that data to inform your future decisions.

Finally, entertain. There are a number of ways that you can engage your patients with a short video spot. For example:

  • Take your audience on an office tour. As your camera walks though, you can show staff members, patients, and any number of things that happen every day at work.
  • Do “How To” or “FAQ” spots every so often. You know that some of your patients scrub their teeth like they’re trying to brush off some deadly contaminate. Maybe they need to learn the proper technique to save their enamel.
  • Post patient testimonials. These are especially effective when combined with before and after pictures.
  • Share educational videos that explain the benefits of complicated or elective procedures. Knowing exactly what is involved in dental implants might be all it takes to convince a patient to finally make an appointment.
  • Use videos to show your personality. Maybe it’s a video of you crossing the finish line in a charity 5K, or maybe it’s just you and your staff playing “floss wars.” In whatever case, allowing patients to see that side of you makes them feel connected and creates loyalty.

The next time you’re considering how to take your marketing to the next level, consider using video. Whether you use it in email or on your social networking sites, it is a guaranteed way to remind your patients that you’re with them year-round, not just when they’re in your office.

With over a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target patients, and grow their practice through effective marketing campaigns. When she isn’t helping dental practices reach their full potential, she can be found at the beach with her three dogs or immersed in everything food-related with her large Italian family. For more information, call (800) 689-6434.