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ADEA/William J. Gies Foundation Education Fellowship

SEATTLE, March 19, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) presented the ADEA/William J. Gies Foundation Education Fellowship to Cortino Sukotjo, D.D.S., Ph.D., of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry. The fellowship was awarded at the 2013 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition being held March 16-19, in Seattle.

“ADEA is pleased to offer Dr. Sukotjo this opportunity to examine the ways in which dentists who are educated abroad may meet the challenges that faculty shortages pose to dental education programs in the United States,” says ADEA President Gerald N. Glickman, D.D.S., M.S., M.B.A., J.D.

As the ADEA/ William J. Gies Foundation Education Fellow, Dr. Sukotjo will spend three months in Washington, DC, working with the ADEA Policy Center on issues of importance to higher education, such as faculty recruitment, development, and retention, leadership development, teaching strategies, competencies and their assessment, as well as accreditation and licensure.

A dentist educated abroad himself, Dr. Sukotjo has written numerous articles on topics related to dental education, and currently serves as a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Dental Education. In 2008, as a member of the Predoctoral Implant Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, Dr. Sukotjo received the ADEA/Zimmer Dental Implant Education Teaching Award.

About the American Dental Education Association

The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is the voice of dental education. Its members include all U.S. and Canadian dental schools and many allied and advanced dental education programs, corporations, faculty, and students. The mission of ADEA is to lead individuals and institutions of the dental education community to address contemporary issues influencing education, research, and the delivery of oral health care for the health of the public. ADEA’s activities encompass a wide range of research, advocacy, faculty development, meetings, and communications like the esteemed Journal of Dental Education, as well as the dental school admissions services AADSAS, PASS, DHCAS, and CAAPID. For more information about ADEA, visit

The American Dental Education Association logo is available at

About The William J. Gies Foundation

The William J. Gies (pronounced guys) Foundation was established in 1950 by colleagues and admirers of Dr. Gies with seed funds raised by the American College of Dentists. It was a private foundation and the first U.S. foundation to support dental education and scholarship. In 2002, it joined with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) to form the ADEAGies Foundation, a public foundation.

Dr. William J. Gies was a Columbia University biochemistry professor interested in dental education, science, and clinical applications. In 1926, as part of a series of studies on professional education in the United States funded by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Dr. Gies published a landmark report that established the importance of dentistry as a healing science and an essential component of higher education in the health professions.

About the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition

The ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition is the premier professional development and networking event in academic dentistry, featuring four days of dynamic plenary sessions and workshops, and an exhibit hall show casing academic dentistry’s leading partners and suppliers. For more information, visit

The 2013 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition logo is available at