Industry News

ADSO Names Andrew Smith Its Executive Director

The Association of Dental Support Organizations (ADSO) has appointed Andrew Smith as its executive director. He will represent the DSO industry to policymakers and other key stakeholders to ensure that DSO-affiliated dentists can operate in a practice environment that allows them to receive the support they need, according to the ADSO.

“DSOs are doing important work to expand access to patient care and provide dentists more time to focus on the clinical side of dentistry,” Smith said. “I look forward to working alongside my fellow dental associations to shape the current and future discussions and supporting the dental industry as it grows its vision strategically.”

“I am thrilled to have Andrew join the ADSO team. Andrew’s expertise will support the ADSO in advancing key relationships and navigating critical policy decisions,” said Emmet Scott, ADSO president. “His advocacy insights will help meet the needs of both emerging and established DSOs.”

Smith served as executive vice president of government relations and external affairs for Parallel (formerly Surterra Wellness), where he managed the state and federal government relations teams, served as the company’s chief advocate and spokesperson to policymakers and regulators, and led the company’s advocacy and communications goals in the public affairs space.

Prior to joining the private sector, Smith spent a decade working in government, campaigns, and public policy. In particular, he worked as finance director and senior advisor for Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, where he oversaw the strategy, development, and implementation of a record-breaking $44 million fundraising operation.

Smith originally is from Chicago and a graduate of Georgetown University with a degree in government and history. He succeeds Chris Bradgley as executive director, and his appointment to the position is effective immediately.

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