Advance Your Dental Sleep Medicine Career with Best-in-Class Education


There’s no better time to enter the field of dental sleep medicine. As obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) continues to affect millions of American adults, sleep physicians and patients across the country are increasingly seeking qualified dentists who can provide oral appliance therapy to help treat this condition.

Not only is OSA prevalent and under-diagnosed, but only about half of patients adhere to the traditional treatment, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Providing custom-fit oral appliances can put your patients on the path to better sleep and help improve overall health, while positioning your practice to increase its patient roster and revenue.

For continuing education (CE) that can help you break into the field of dental sleep medicine, the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) offers opportunities that are:

  • Recognized – All AADSM courses are recognized by the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) and put you on the path to being a Qualified Dentist.
  • Respected – The AADSM’s reputable education options lead the field, are backed by 25 years of proven success for growing dental practices, and are respected by sleep physicians looking for dentists to help treat OSA with oral appliance therapy.
  • Rewarding – AADSM’s tailored instructional approach will give dentists of all experience levels the credibility and tools to unlock immediate opportunities in dental sleep medicine to grow their business and effectively improve their patients’ health.

If you’re seeking best-in-class CE in the field of dental sleep medicine, look no further than the educational opportunities provided by the AADSM – the only non-profit professional association dedicated exclusively to dental sleep medicine. To learn more, visit