AI in Dentistry

AI in Dentistry

As I begin my tenure as editor in chief of Dentistry Today, I want to introduce many new ideas both in print and online. I have been fascinated by the world of artificial intelligence (AI), and I would like to introduce many of its concepts that have a direct use in dentistry here in this online forum.

A fantastic resource and starting point for this discussion is a new group called the Dental AI Council (DAIC).

“Artificial intelligence will introduce radical benefits to dental practitioners, patients, students, and organizations,” said Ophir Tanz, lead organizer of DAIC and CEO of Pearl.

“In order to accelerate the thoughtful adoption of the technology, the Dental AI Council brings together dental leaders and future-minded individuals to promote AI literacy and awareness through independent research, education, and thought leadership,” Tanz said.

Stay tuned for what will be eye-opening information and discussions as we begin this forum.

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