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American Board of Endodontics Announces New Officers, Directors

he American Board of Endodontics named new officers and confirmed one member to its Board of Directors during the American Association of Endodontists recent Annual Session in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Stephen J. Clark was elected president, Dr. Alan S. Law was elected to secretary and Dr. Cindy Rauschenberger was selected as a new director.

Stephen J. Clark, D.M.D.,of Louisville, Ky., has been a Diplomate of the ABE since 2001 and a member of the Board since 2007. A member of the AAE since 1973, Dr. Clark is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics and previously served on the Educational Affairs committee. He serves as a member of the Commission on Dental Accreditation Endodontic Review Committee, is a past president of the Kentucky Association of Endodontists and is active in the Louisville Dental Society. Dr. Clark is director of the post-graduate endodontic program and an associate professor of endodontics at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He received his D.M.D. and Certificate in Endodontics from the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry.

Alan S. Law, D.D.S., Ph.D., of Minneapolis, Minn., earned his Diplomate status in 2000 and was first elected to the ABE Board in 2007. A private practice endodontist in Minneapolis, Dr. Law is an active member of the AAE and currently serves as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics. Previously, he chaired the Regenerative EndodonticsCommittee and has served on numerous additional AAE committees, including Evidence Based Endodontics, Research and Scientific Affairs and Clinical Practice. In addition to running his private practice, Dr. Law teaches continuing education courses at the University of Minnesota and at national and international meetings. He received his D.D.S., Certificate inEndodontics and an ad hoc interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Iowa.

Cindy Rauschenberger, D.D.S, M.S., of Elgin, Ill., has been a Diplomate of the ABE since 1993 and a member of the AAE since 1987. Currently, Dr. Rauschenberger is chair of the Master Clinician Series program on the Annual Session Planning Committee and is a member of the AAE Special Committee to Review the Standards for endodontic education. She previously acted as District IV director on the AAE Board, president of the Illinois Association of Endodontics and president of the Maryland Association of Endodontics. She has also served as a trustee and secretary of the AAE Foundation Board and as a director of the ABE College of Diplomates. Dr. Rauschenberger formerly served as the post-graduate director of endodontics at the University of Maryland and is now in full-time private practice. She received her D.D.S. from the University of Iowa and her Certificate in Endodontics from Northwestern University.

The American Association of Endodontists sponsors the American Board of Endodontics. Founded in 1964, the American Board of Endodontics is the only certifying board for the specialty of endodontics and is recognized by the American Dental Association.

ABE Diplomate status is awarded to qualified candidates who have demonstrated diagnostic skill, clinical proficiency andprofessional judgment of a level that promotes the highest quality of care for patients. They have taken an examination administered by a panel of peer experts and have demonstrated an exemplary level of knowledge, understanding and clinical expertise in endodontics.