Today's Dental News

American Dental Association Refutes Bottled Water Report

There is no evidence that suggests bottled water could lead to tooth decay, according to a spokesman for the American Dental Association.

Earlier this week, there were reports that increased bottled water consumption deprives people of the necessary fluoride to protect their teeth. Dr. Jonathan Shenkin, however, said there’s no research that demonstrates a link between bottled water consumption and increased tooth decay.

Shenkin’s statement is backed up by the president of the Children’s Dental Health Project, Dr. Burton Edelstein. According to Edelstein, a lack of fluoride isn’t the problem because children in the United States are exposed to enough fluoride. Instead, too much fluoride can be an issue for children based on the higher cavity risk that results from all that fluoride.

The Environmental Protection Agency puts a cap on the amount of fluoride in communal water to stop people from developing fluorosis. Fluoride toothpaste, however, can combine with fluoridated tap water and certain food or drinks to create an excessive fluoride level for someone.

The ADA wants to make certain that people are aware water is always a better beverage choice than soda or drinks filled with sugar.