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Amerigroup Washington Provides $200,000 in Scholarships to Help Tribal Communities

Amerigroup Washington, one of the state’s coordinators of Medicaid managed healthcare benefits, presented two $100,000 checks to the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB), during its 2023 Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) Symposium in Spokane. The funds will equally go toward supporting and expanding NPAIHB’s Behavioral Health Aide Program and its Dental Health Aide Program by creating scholarships for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people to become Behavioral Health Aides (BHAs) and Dental Health Aides (DHAs) who will serve within their Tribal communities.

amerigroup Washington

Through these programs, BHAs and DHAs will increase access to high quality, culturally appropriate healthcare that reduces Tribal health disparities and allows Tribal communities to thrive in a way intended by their ancestors.

“Amerigroup is a recognized leader in funding and innovating solutions that promote health equity by meeting the unique needs of diverse populations,” said Anthony E. Woods, president of Amerigroup Washington. “We have been working with Tribal partners to increase access to culturally responsive healthcare for many years now, and we have seen the positive impacts of Community Health Aide Programs. The services provided by BHAs and DHAS, through these programs, have the power to transform lives, so we are proud to continue and step-up our supports, which ensure access to critically needed care in our AI/AN communities.”

In 1972, the NPAIHB was established to help eliminate health disparities and improve quality of life for AI/AN communities across Washington, Oregon and Idaho by ensuring access to culturally appropriate, high quality healthcare. NPAIHB oversees Tribal Community Health Provider Programs that train and expand access to AI/AN healthcare providers and Community Health Aides (CHAs), who understand disparities as well as cultural and traditional tribal practices. These providers and CHAs come from Tribal communities and have the cultural competencies to effectively combine traditional healing practices with modern, Western medicine to meaningfully promote positive health outcomes.

Over the past few years, NPAIHB advisory groups identified alarming trends and emerging dental and behavioral healthcare needs among AI/AN communities, which led to the creation of a Behavioral Health Aide Program and a Dental Health Aide Program. While these programs will eventually be primarily funded by government funds, grants from private organizations, such as Amerigroup, have helped launch the programs and expand efforts to meet escalating needs.

“NPAIHB’s Community Health Aide Program, including BHAs and DHAs, is creating opportunities to address and offset a long history of inequities that has led to staggering health disparities across our Tribal communities,” said Nick Lewis, Lummi Tribal councilman and chairman of the NPAIHB. “We would like to thank Amerigroup for recognizing the important impact of our BHA and DHA programs, and providing the support needed to further our mission of achieving health equity.”

Amerigroup was the first health plan in Washington to create value-added services that honor traditional healing benefits for its AI/AN members. It employs a dedicated Tribal liaison, who communicates with and supports Tribal organizations. Amerigroup is also the first Medicaid managed care organization in Washington to earn a Multicultural Health Care Distinction from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). This distinction recognizes Amerigroup for excelling in efforts that address the unique needs of racially, ethnically, linguistically and culturally diverse populations.

About Amerigroup Washington

Amerigroup Washington helps improve health care access and quality for Washington residents by developing innovative care management programs and services. Members are assured care that is not only accessible, but also accountable, comprehensive, integrated and person-centered. Amerigroup Washington provides ongoing community relations and outreach to encourage members to become active participants in improving and managing their health. Through access to health education programs, our members are empowered to choose and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

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FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.