Industry News

Announcing the 2014 VELscope™ Sweepstakes

Are you thinking about or have you already introduced oral mucosal disease and cancer screening to your practice? Then it may be time to introduce you to the VELscope® Vx. The technology is designed to detect dysplasia and other lesions at their earliest stages, so patients have the best chances for long term outcomes. Not only does the VELscope® Vx help to improve patient care, interoffice communication is streamlined with the optional digital VELscope camera kit, making it simple and efficient to record and share a patient’s oral screening history via photos and video. Oral surgeons can also benefit from the VELscope® Vx when it is applied in delineating surgical margins for excision.

Making a commitment to the fight against oral cancer has never been easier than with the VELscope® Vx. LED Dental is announcing the 2014 VELscope™ Sweepstakes Giveaway, giving you a great reason to commit to early detection and oral cancer awareness. The Sweepstakes are open to practicing American and Canadian-resident dental practitioners. Two VELscope® Vx Value Bundles will be awarded; one in the United States and one in Canada.

As public awareness of oral cancer continues to grow, dental practitioners are being asked to take on an important role in the early detection of oral disease and oral cancer.
The team at LED Dental is actively involved in moving this discussion forward which is why the 2014 VELscope™ Sweepstakes is such an exciting opportunity. It really is a Win Win.

Early detection calls us to be involved and engaged in the oral cancer screening process. Let’s keep the discussion going and take advantage of your chance to be in the draw for a VELscope® Vx Value Bundle. Your patients will thank you. Register Now to Win!