Industry News

Announcing the New IADR Smile Train Cleft Research Award

smile train

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is pleased to announce the new IADR Smile Train Cleft Research Award. The new award is jointly sponsored by both companies, with funding provided exclusively by Smile Train. The deadline to apply for the inaugural award is February 25, 2022.

IADR and Smile Train recognize the need for investigators to produce cleft-related research that can be applied in clinical practice and be used to maintain and improve the cleft patient’s oral health and quality of life. The Award is intended to help investigators pursue innovative and novel research that involves the oral health of cleft patients. One competitive award of up to $75,000 USD will be provided to recipients and the Award will be provided in the form of an unrestricted research grant which carries no obligation to the recipient’s organization for licensure, patenting, or transfer of confidential information. Preference will be placed on researchers applying from low and middle income countries as defined by the most recently available World Bank Classification.

Smile Train is the world’s largest cleft-focused organization, with a sustainable and local model of supporting surgery and other forms of essential care. Over the last 20+ years, Smile Train has supported safe and quality cleft care for over 1.5 million children and will continue to do so until every child in need with a cleft has access to the care they deserve.

Smile Train also sponsors the IADR Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (GOHIRN) Travel Award for New Investigators. This travel grant will assist new investigators residing in low- to upper middle-income countries to attend the IADR General Session & Exhibition.

“The IADR is excited to partner with Smile Train to provide this award opportunity,” said IADR President Eric Reynolds. “The IADR Smile Train Cleft Research Award will allow investigators from low- and middle income countries to conduct innovative research that will ultimately improve the oral health of cleft patients. It will also help IADR fulfill its mission to drive dental, oral, and craniofacial research for health and well-being worldwide.”

International Association for Dental Research

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is a nonprofit organization with over 10,000 individual members worldwide, with a mission to drive dental, oral and craniofacial research for health and well-being worldwide. To learn more, visit

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Count Chris on Unsplash