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Anti-Aging Movement Drives Aesthetic Care

According to a 2015 report (GlobeNewswire) on research done by Transparency Market Research, “the anti-aging market is poised for a healthy compounded annual growth rate of 7.8% between 2013 and 2019 and is projected to be worth $191.7 billion by 2019.” The report also states this: “The global anti-aging market was estimated to be worth $122.3 billion in 2013 and is likely to record a strong growth over the forecast period.” Individuals in the baby boomer generation are the single largest growth driver of the anti-aging movement, and these people are showing an increased interest in anti-aging products and services. More patients are are seeking expert aesthetic care relating to signs of aging in their body, face, and smile.

In our exciting cover-featured article this month, Dr. Tom Dudney presents a case that exemplifies the interest from older patients in restoring their teeth and smile while optimizing facial aesthetics in an effort to reverse the obvious signs of aging. Utilizing a coordinated multidisciplinary approach, Dr. Dudney demonstrates how he and his team of specialists and laboratory technicians masterfully created a life-changing outcome that not only exceeded the patient’s expectations but will also take your professional breath away!

In other articles relating to aesthetics, Dr. Sarah Winter shares a modern and minimally invasive technique used to treat post-orthodontic white spots; Dr. Ross Nash presents a case that features minimally invasive preparations for elective porcelain veneers; and Dr. Rick Winter et al present a multidisciplinary case that demonstrates how they treated a patient with a severely atrophied mandible.

Also in this issue, Dr. Gregori Kurtzman demonstrates how he efficiently replaced a defective filling using a modern composite resin system; Drs. Dennis Brave and Bradley Trattner look at ways to take advantage of the full potential of NiTi instruments; Dr. James Brosnihan provides an update on the inferior alveolar nerve block technique; Dr. Javier Cremades et al talk about the latest application of fiber-reinforced polymers used to replace a single anterior tooth; Dr. Scott Ganz discusses long-term clinical success with implant dentistry via thorough treatment planning; Dr. Gary Kaye presents the first of a 3-part series on digital dentistry for the restorative doctor; and in our Viewpoint, Dr. Lance Kisby discusses changes to come in pediatric dentistry.

In our formally peer-reviewed selection, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Dr. Amit Patel discusses peri-implant disease, supportive maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissues, and treatment of peri-implantitis. Please enjoy this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!