Apples May be Worse for Teeth Than Carbonated Beverages


It’s possible that eating an apple is four times worse for your teeth than drinking soda, according to a recent study.

There are some types of wines and beers that also could result in teeth damage, according to the study. The study comes from the King College London Dental Institute.

The problem with eating apples comes from the high acidity levels, which can harm teeth if consumed slowly. Conversely, sodas did not show an increased risk of dietary erosion, according to this study.

More than 1,000 people, ages 18 to 30, were analyzed for this study. The research team looked for links of tooth wear in many places throughout the mouth.

The information generated from the survey indicated that people who ate apples were nearly four times likelier to have damage to the dentin. There was no such increased risk for the people who drank carbonated beverages.

Fruit juice caused more damage to the enamel, while lager beers hurt the dentin.

The results from this study, however, shouldn’t discourage people from eating apples. There are ways to eat apples without having to worry about the effects of the acidity, such as drinking water to wash away the harmful acids. You can also drink fruit juices by utilizing a straw.

Some of the data from the study contradicts the idea that carbonated beverages are harmful to your teeth. Therefore, more research is necessary on the acidity of apples compared to the impact of carbonated beverages.