Table of Contents

April 2020


Doctor-Lab Communication in the Digital Age

Dr. Gary Kaye speaks about the role and importance of communication with the dental lab team in the digital workflow.

Closed-System Negative Pressure Irrigation: A Serious Inflection Point in Root Canal Cleaning

Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan describes the irrigation challenges faced when delivering single-visit RCT to complex root canal spaces, along with several recent
innovations in cleaning technology.

Root Resorption: Causes and Remedies
Drs. Stephen Cohen and Ahmed Shawky discuss the etiologies and some of the possible solutions for treating root resorption.

Simple Maxillary Sinus Tenting and Implant Placement

Dr. Stephanie Tilley presents a clinical case involving sinus tent augmentation, implant placement, and final crown fabrication.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Early Implant Failure: What Every Clinician Should Know
Drs. Richard J. Miron, Michael A. Pikos, and Mark Bishara present recent research on the prominent links between vitamin deficiencies and early implant failure.

Treating White Spot Lesions: Protocol for a Professionally Dispensed CPP-ACP Paste

Dr. Ron Kaminer presents a case report that outlines a minimally invasive protocol that was developed by the author to treat white spot lesions.

Beauty: Much More Than the Smile!

Dr. Ross W. Nash outlines how the smile of a beauty contestant was improved upon using a variety of all-ceramic restorations.

Diode Lasers in Restorative Dentistry: An Absolute Necessity for Optimal Care

Dr. Robert A. Lowe discusses a variety of clinical treatments, in addition to pre-impression troughing of the soft tissue, that can be easily done using a diode laser.

Know Your Leukoplakias to Identify Oral Cancer

Focus On: Focus On: Disruptive Technologies for 2020