Table of Contents

April 2022

Traumatic Pulp Exposures: An Exposé

Dr. Joseph C. Stern takes a good look at treatment considerations when there is pulp exposure, whether it be carious, direct, or traumatic. Various techniques of vital pulp therapy are examined.

Heat-Treated NiTi Endodontic Files: All You Need to Know About the Latest Generation

Dr. Carlos A Spironelli Ramos discusses the advantages of triple heat-treatment files for root canal shaping. He describes a unique design and other new features in file manufacturing.

An Answer to the Gray Screw-Hole Conundrum

Dr. Peter Auster looks at methods to aesthetically restore access holes in crowns after endodontic treatment and also covers implant screw access. The use of a blocker and restorative material is demonstrated.

An Innovative Digital Workflow for a Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Drs. Faraj Edher and Sarah A. Alabdullah demonstrate the use of many technologies, including virtual smile design, 3D-printed preparation guides, and provisionals as well as CAD/CAM manufacturing of the final prosthesis.

A Comprehensive Surgical Guide Classification System

Dr. Robert J. Stanley presents a comprehensive dental implant surgical guide classification system. The proposed classification system may potentially advance the standard of implant care, facilitate guide selection among the treatment team, and enable relevant outcome comparisons in future research endeavors.

VIEWPOINT: “On Second Thought”

FOCUS ON: Zirconia Implants

Paul S. Petrungaro, DDS, MS, discusses the incorporation of metal-free dental implants into the contemporary dental implant practice.