

8333 216th Street S.E.
Woodinville, WA 98072 USA

Sales – Toll-Free: 866-244-2954
Customer Service: 866-244-7095
Front Desk Receptionist: 800-426-5913

Message from the Company Founder – Doug Kazen:
In 1975, our company began under the name of "North Pacific Dental". We were a minuscule "mom and pop" operation originally employing four adults (full time) and two part-time students. Our original goal was to manufacture and market dental sundries throughout the United States.

Partly because of my background and interest in micro-biology, we eventually became very interested in the concepts associated with dental asepsis. We quickly learned that the challenges of dental asepsis required, in part, a fresh approach to dental equipment. Therefore, we started a new division of our growing company and called it Aseptico. That was the equipment segment of our business.

We continued for a few years as a "two-headed monster". However, my wife Edyie was doing the accounting for both divisions; and quickly raised the point that it was senseless to be raising twins, when one would do. She was right and we rolled the two parts of our company into a single entity, under the corporate name of Aseptico in 1982.

An early effort to address an aseptic concern through modification of standard dental equipment led, almost by accident, to our first venture into the fledgling field of portable dental equipment. I confess… My original response to the suggestion of portability for dentistry was to mock the whole concept. How wrong I was! Portability for the dental profession has now become a recognized entity world-wide.

Perhaps Aseptico is now the world leader in manufacturing and marketing of such equipment. We supply the US Armed Forces, foreign military establishments, public health, and the private sector with an ever-widening range of portable dental equipment.
And, thanks in large part to the foresight and efforts of our son, Glenn (who is now the company president), Aseptico has become a world recognized innovator and manufacturer of ultra modern endodontic equipment systems. Those products, along with implant surgery items, oral surgery systems, and other products in constant evolution at Aseptico, have established our company as a leading manufacturer of ultra modern dental equipment systems, now being offered world wide.

Without a strong family situation and without the help of many excellent employees, the position Aseptico has now attained could never have been achieved. We owe appreciation to our customers, to our staff, and above all, to the God we love and trust.

Doug Kazen