Todays Dental News

At-Home Oral Health Practices Remain Strong, According to Survey

at-home oral health practices

A key factor in achieving optimal oral health is ensuring that teeth and mouths are being cared for regularly. This National Dental Hygiene Month, Delta Dental highlights findings from a recent study showing that adults and children across the country continue to engage in strong at-home oral health practices. The study found that, on average, children and adults:

Delta Dental recognizes National Dental Hygiene Month by highlighting the importance of strong at-home oral health practices.

  • Brushed their teeth twice per day
  • Flossed their teeth once per day
  • Used mouthwash once per day

“At-home oral hygiene habits play a key role in maintaining good oral health, and it is encouraging to see respondents are committed to brushing, flossing, and using mouth wash regularly,” said Joseph Dill, DDS, MBA, Vice President of Dental Science, Delta Dental Plans Association.

Such habits are motivated by the health benefits associated with each, with many reporting they are brushing and flossing to prevent tooth decay, prevent dental issues, and maintain or improve oral health.

Beyond their brushing and flossing frequency, many follow American Dental Association guidelines on how often to replace their toothbrush. In fact, about 2 in 3 adults (65%) switch out their brush at least once every three months, while 86 percent of parents do this for their child at least once a month. Similarly, parents acknowledge fluoride as an important step in dental hygiene. Slightly more than 4 in 5 (83%) parents believe fluoride is very — if not extremely — important to their child’s oral health.

Learn more about consumer opinions and behaviors related to oral health in Delta Dental’s 2020 State of America’s Oral Health Report.


Delta Dental’s Adult’s Oral Health & Wellness Survey was conducted December 28, 2020, through January 8, 2021, among a nationally representative sample of 1,000+ Americans ages 18+, with a margin of error of +/- 3%

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Based in Oak Brook, Illinois, Delta Dental Plans Association is the not-for-profit national association of the 39 independent Delta Dental companies. Through these companies, Delta Dental is the nation’s largest provider of dental insurance, covering more than 80 million Americans, and offering the country’s largest dental network with approximately 156,000 participating dentists. Over the last decade, Delta Dental companies provided over $1.75 billion in direct and in-kind support to improve the oral health of our communities across the country. Visit for information on individual dental insurance plans and group dental insurance plans.

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