A New Smile for Judy: A Multimaterial Approach Ross W. Nash, DDS, presents a case report explaining how the dental technician created a uniform aesthetic appearance between zirconium oxide restorations and feldspathic porcelain veneers.
Aesthetic Soft-Tissue Ridge Augmentation Douglas H. Mahn, DDS, demonstrates the successful treatment of an unaesthetic ridge deformity in a case report using acellular dermal matrix (ADM).
Surface Treatments for Tooth-Colored Restorations: Part 1 Douglas A. Terry, DDS, and Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, in Part 1 of a 2-part article, discuss surface treatments designed to improve adhesion for all-ceramic and indirect composite restorations.
Extracting Teeth With Less Trauma Jon Julian, DDS, presents a case study emphasizing the importance of minimizing trauma when extracting teeth prior to implant placement.
Digital Radiography: An Improvement? Paul L. Child, Jr, DMD, CDT, and Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD, present an update on the current and future status of digital radiography.
Maximizing Case Acceptance: A Case Report Amanda J. Lewis, DMD, presents a case report that demonstrates how a well-organized patient education process, integrated properly with other clinical technology, can be utilized to improve case acceptance.