Industry News

BIOMET 3i AR – The Next Step In Interactive Marketing

Palm Beach Gardens, FL (April 11, 2011) – Continuing its leadership role in social media strategy for the dental community, BIOMET 3i is pleased to announce the next step in interactive experiences with the release of BIOMET 3i AR, a multi-dimensional, interactive experience in a real-time 3D medium.
BIOMET 3i AR allows dental professionals to view products in an interactive way with the display of dynamic 3D moveable models utilizing augmented reality innovation. Dental professionals can visit to download and print a specially designed marker that can then be placed in front of a standard webcam. The marker on the paper transforms into a moving 3D product, delivering an image of the specified product to the dental professional, demonstrating how it works and illustrating further product details.
"Offering this technology represents another first for BIOMET 3i and the dental community as we continue to get closer with our customers via the social media space," said Bryan D. Pinciaro, BIOMET 3i Vice President of Global Marketing. "We are thrilled to give dental professionals worldwide a new and innovative way to explore our product offerings."
For the BIOMET 3i AR Experience visit:

About BIOMET 3i, LLC
BIOMET 3i, LLC, a subsidiary of Biomet, Inc., is a leading manufacturer of dental implants, abutments, and related products. Since its inception in 1987, BIOMET 3i, LLC has been on the forefront in developing, manufacturing, and distributing oral reconstructive products, including dental implant components and bone and tissue regenerative materials. BIOMET 3i, LLC also provides educational programs and seminars for dental professionals around the world. BIOMET 3i, LLC is based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, with operations throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. For more information about BIOMET 3i, LLC, please visit or contact the company within the U.S. at 800-342-5454; outside the U.S. at 561-776-6700.