Industry News

OC-Based Health Plan for Medicare Recipients Expands Into 6 Calif. Counties

brand new day, medicare, California

Brand New Day, a Medicare-approved health plan that offers myriad benefit options designed to meet members’ special needs, will expand into six additional California counties as of 2022, giving it a statewide total of 23 counties. New areas include Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Placer, Yolo, and Stanislaus counties. A division of Bright HealthCare, Brand New Day helps Medicare recipients gain access to programs and services beyond traditional Medicare.

Many of its plans are available with no-cost premiums, no copays for primary care doctor visits, no-cost prescriptions, transportation to and from medical appointments, gym membership, nurse consultations via phone 24 hours a day, health and life coaches, and vision, dental, and acupuncture services.

Among Brand New Day’s benefit plans that are available to those with Medicare Part A and B or with Medicare and Medi-Cal:

  • Classic Plan — basic plan for its Medicare-only, Medicare and Medi-Cal members
  • Embrace Plan — serving those with heart disease and/or diabetes
  • Bridges Plan — serving those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Harmony Plan — serving those with mental illness including major depression, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and paranoid disorder
  • Select Plan — serving those residing in assisted living communities or long-term care (nursing homes) facilities

Brand New Day also is offering a plan that returns $125 per month into the social security checks of its members who select the Part B Savings Plan. Referred to as a “rebate,” members continue to have access to the same network of doctors and hospitals they already had while reducing their monthly Medicare Part B cost.

Over the course of a year, members will see their Social Security checks increase by $1,500 ($3,000 for couples).

In addition, Brand New Day will expand its dental coverage beyond exams, cleanings, and X-rays in 2022 to include dental implants. While most services have no copays, a low copay may accompany implants depending on which material is used. Brand New Day partners with Delta Care USA and Liberty Dental networks.

Brand New Day works with independent brokers throughout the state and can arrange for an in-person appointment for those wanting to review the plans in their area.

For more information about the Brand New Day Medicare Advantage plans, call (866) 255-4795 and visit

Featured image by Julian Myles on Unsplash.