Industry News

Candulor’s KunstZahnWerk goes online

June 2011: Due to the huge success of our Candulor KunstZahnWerk® competition which was established back in 1999 on the occasion of the IDS in Cologne, we have launched a website created especially for this competition.

With the creation of the term KunstZahnWerk® (the art of prosthetics) Candulor has set itself the ambitious goal to put great emphasis on the combination of aesthetics and functionality in complete denture prosthetics as well as to represent the relevance of the total prosthetics as international future market.

Dental technicians, dental technician masters, denturists as well as apprentices are invited to use this platform in order to put their capabilities to the test.

Over the past years we noticed considerable growth in the general interest in our KunstZahnWerk® competition. While participants in the first years were mostly from German speaking countries, in recent years participants from other European countries and the US have joined the competition. This speaks for the excellent and international significance the KunstZahnWerk® competition has gained, as well as the increasing image of the participants and the laboratories.

Nowadays you could compare the KunstZahnWerk® competition with the Oscar of "Total Prosthetics".

The submitted showpieces get better every year, although the virtual cases become more challenging. Because of highest quality, the presented documentation is published by the trade press. And in our digital age also increasing is the submission of stunning video material.

With immediate effect you have the possibility to register online for the next Candulor KunstZahnWerk® competition. In the web you will furthermore find past, present and future information about our KunstZahnWerk®-world.

Have fun exploring and navigating through the Candulor KunstZahnWerk® web page!

More information:

KunstZahnWerk® competition Apprentices (Switzerland only)
Candulor AG
Pünten 4, CH-8602 Wangen/ZH
Phone 044 / 805 90 00

KunstZahnWerk® competition International (IDS)
Candulor Dental GmbH
Am Riederngraben 6, DE-78239 Rielasingen-Worblingen
Phone +49 (0)7731 79 783-0
Fax +49 (0)7731 28 917

KunstZahnWerk® competition North America
Candulor USA Inc.
7462 N. Figueroa Steet, Suite 104, Los Angeles CA 90041
Phone: ++1 323 254-1430
Fax: ++1 323 254-514