Industry News

Careerfusion And American Orthodontic Society Join Forces In Online Education

Sun Prairie, WI CareerFusion, the organization built on mentoring has joined with the American Orthodontic Society to educate dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants with cutting edge information on a variety of orthodontic topics. Using Internet and software platforms used for Webinars and online schools CareerFusion will help bring to life articles from the AOS journal and classes to support the hands-on classes offered by AOS.

Tom Chapman, Executive Director of AOS says, “this joint venture will really be an added benefit to our members and increase our membership. AOS caters to general dentists who would like to offer orthodontic treatment to their patients. Sometimes it’s not feasible to refer cases out. Internet learning is not new and it’s time we embraced it. CareerFusion Webinars have a reputation of being educational and worth the time invested in viewing them”.

The first Webinar will feature Dr. David Jackson. Dr. Jackson will discuss the reasons to include orthodontics in the treatment mix of general practitioners. Other speakers will include Dr. Chris Baker, Constance Shuster, RDH, Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, Nancy Brohawn, RDH and other members of CareerFusion and AOS.

Topic will vary from discussing the benefits of breastfeeding to the financial impact offering orthodontics can have on the practice. These are offered at no cost to dental personnel.

CareerFusion is a group mentorship organization started by Beth Thompson, RDH, BS, OM in 2008. With Shirley Gutkowski she has built a mentoring business helping other’s career dreams come true. Together with industry CareerFusion builds bridges and between talented interested clinicians and companies with needs for talented interested clinicians.

The American Orthodontic Society (AOS) is a professional association for general and pediatric dentists who choose to add orthodontic skills to their practice. AOS offers the finest ADA and AGD-recognized orthodontic continuing education programs.

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Facebook @CareerFusion

Contact Shirley Gutkowski at for more information.