MyRay engineers developed Hyperion with an open design and face-to-face positioning for comfortable and precise patient positioning. First-in-class kinematics and automatic morphology recognition.
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MyRay engineers developed Hyperion with an open design and face-to-face positioning for comfortable and precise patient positioning. First-in-class kinematics and automatic morphology recognition.
In contrast to the conventional LED, which is used in applications from a simple flashlight to the brake lights of a car, the.
The MacPractice iPad Interface with ePrescribe is designed with Apple’s Web App development tools. It provides remote and network communication from an iPad.
With MyRay’s innovative Hyperion X7, users not only benefit from the most intuitive pan and ceph scan process but also from MyRay’s small-field.
The new MagnaVu Dental Procedure Scope 3 produces precise, clear, highly magnified images and eliminates the need for magnified loupes or microscopes, thereby.