
Guided Bone Regeneration: Membrane Selection

INTRODUCTION Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is the most common method used for bone augmentation...

Metal-Free, Implant-Supported Full-Arch Rehabilitation: Biopolymer Reinforced for an Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthesis

INTRODUCTION Complete edentulism influences the patient’s physical and psychological health. Rehabilitation through removable prostheses...

Proper Preparation for Prosthetically Driven Implants: CBCT Diagnosing and Surgical Protocol

INTRODUCTION With the widespread availability of Internet searches, our patients have become aware of...

Failure Followed by a Successful Outcome

INTRODUCTION The First European Workshop on Periodontology in 1994 defined peri-implantitis as the inflammatory...

Site Augmentation and Site Preservation in the Aesthetic Zone Using a Rotated Pediculated Palatal Connective Tissue Graft

Today’s dentistry is highly driven by aesthetics and the search for better health and...