Incorporating Tooth Whitening Into Your Practice
In today’s society, white teeth send a message of youth, health, and success. White teeth are associated with being attractive, and the desire.
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In today’s society, white teeth send a message of youth, health, and success. White teeth are associated with being attractive, and the desire.
Porcelain veneers are being used today for many different indications and have in fact become a reliable and effective means of replacing coronal.
The purpose of this article is to help the clinician categorize and differentiate anterior cases with potential problems from those that are more.
Everything is continually changing and evolving in cosmetic dentistry. Materials and techniques seem to change every few months. And that’s not all. Cosmetic.
The contemporary approach to most generalized aesthetic problems in the maxillary anterior teeth is to place six ceramic laminate veneers. From a dentist’s.
In today’s aesthetically oriented dental practice, a common motivator to seek aesthetic treatment is the worn dentition. Designing the final appearance to be.
The final aesthetic restorative outcome of anterior teeth can be significantly influenced by several important factors. These factors include the following: (1) The.