
What’s New in Rotary Instrumentation?: Part 2

In Part 1 of this article we introduced the new LightSpeed LSX system (Discus...

Access: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Endodontic treatment can be thought of as a series of steps. Each step in...

What’s New in Ni-Ti Rotary Instrumentation: Part 1

With most things in life, change is inevitable, and endodontics is no exception. However,...

Negotiating Challenging Mid Root Curvatures: Rounding the Bend

Mid root curvatures can be every bit as vexing as their apical counterparts, especially...

Endodontic Access Preparation: An Opening for Success

Endodontic performance is enhanced when clinicians thoughtfully view different horizontally angulated, preoperative radiographic images,...

From Root Canal to Art Form: Achieving Transcendence

How does any endeavor move from OK to good, from exceptional to elegant, and...

Progressive Taper Technology: Rationale and Clinical Technique for the New ProTaper Universal System

ProTaper rotary technology (DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental) was launched in the United States in the...

Retreatment of a Failed Endodontic Case

The advances in endodontics in the last 20 years have truly made it an...

The Surgical Operating Microscope: Pushing the Boundaries of the Possible in Dentistry

In August 1992 in Dentistry Today, I wrote an article, “The SOM: A Quantum...

My Endodontic Cookbook Is Lost: Michelangelo Versus Painting by Numbers

Some endodontic manufacturers have sold their products as “plug-and-play” systems. Via a technique card...