
Fixed Implant-Supported Solution for a Failing Dentition

INTRODUCTION The fixed all-on-4 prosthesis is the pinnacle for replacing a fully edentulous arch...

Immediate Implantation in a Deficient Ridge: A Predictable Treatment Protocol

INTRODUCTION Because significant bone loss tends to occur following the loss of a tooth,...

CBCT Enhances Facially Driven Digital Implant Design

INTRODUCTION Implant placement is no longer a novel treatment for dentists or patients. Although...

A Modern Approach to Exodontia, Part 2: Helping to Ensure Successful Implant Outcomes

In the previous article in this series, “A Modern Approach to Exodontia, Part 1:...

The Dreaded Loose Abutment Screw: Etiology, Management, and Prevention

Abutment-screw loosening has been shown to be the most common dental implant prosthetic complication,...

Create an Emergence Profile to Establish Smile Design

Patients often present to our dental practices with serious concerns and dental complications. Problems...

A Modern Approach to Exodontia, Part 1: Helping to Ensure Successful Implant Outcomes

It is estimated that 21 million teeth are removed each year in the United...

Full-Arch Zirconia Screw-Retained Prosthesis

The full-arch, all-ceramic, implant-supported, screw-retained prosthetic option is gaining in popularity among clinicians, replacing...

A Novel Approach to Grafting Around Implants

INTRODUCTION Today’s clinicians who provide implant treatment to their patients are more than likely...

The Status of Bone Grafting for Implant Dentistry

What is your material of choice for sinus grafting? Dr. Silverstein: Bone grafting and/or...