
Maximizing Stability and Prosthetic Durability

INTRODUCTION When treatment planning a fixed full-arch implant restoration, selecting a prosthesis that addresses...

Simplifying Implant Overdentures: Contemporary Overdenture Abutment and Attachment Systems

INTRODUCTION Full-mouth rehabilitation of the edentulous patient using dental implants has long been considered...

Achieving Anterior Aesthetics in a Full-Arch Implant Case

INTRODUCTION Implant-supported prostheses have proven to be a viable and predictable solution for patients...

Guided Gingival Growth: Improving Aesthetics During Second-Stage Surgery

INTRODUCTION Notorious for its complexity, ideal aesthetic im­plant rehabilitation nevertheless may be approximated by...

The Solid Zirconia Implant-Retained Prosthesis: An Excellent Full-Arch Alternative to the Fixed Hybrid Denture

INTRODUCTION Full-arch implant restorations afford life-changing benefits to the fully edentulous patient. Their superior...

The Immediate Smile: Fixed Provisionalization Using Digital Technology

When Dr. P. I. Brånemark introduced his prosthetic protocol for the threaded titanium root-form...

Single Posterior Implant Crown Fabrication: Cement-On Versus Screw-Retained Crowns

INTRODUCTION As clinicians, we must often make decisions on the restoration of our dental...

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation: A Case Study

INTRODUCTION Our society has become one of impatience in the quest for immediate satisfaction....

Maintaining Facial Bone During Extractions

INTRODUCTION As implant dentistry becomes more routine for replacement of nonrestorable teeth, it becomes...

Restoration of Severely Atrophic Jaws

Historically, the severely atrophic edentulous jaw has been a troublesome challenge for dentistry. Before...